This ANOINTED TEACHING manual is filled with WISDOM and REVELATIONS of the knowledge of the Kingdom of God., to open the EYES of the UNDERSTANDING of its users. It teaches the process by which the "System " of God's Kingdom is established and maintained, abiding in REST, the finished works of Christ. Designed to position the believer in BOLDNESS and CONFIDENCE, allowing the Holy Spirit to do a finished work IN them, that they may prosper, EVEN AS their SOUL PROSPERS. Allow the Holy Spirit to show forth the EXCEEDING greatness of His POWER to those who BELIEVE; while BECOMING the church, that the gates of hell SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST !
This manual can be used as a study guide for small groups, or as a foundation to build sermons for those who are called to teach others. Filled with life changing information and revelations inspired on my journey launching into the deep, becoming a Fisher of Men.
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